How are you doing today? We hope that the extreme weather conditions happening in various parts of the world are not causing you undue problems. Here's a quick update on a few things going on here at Odyssey Sea Glass. Also, don't miss our ongoing overstock sale on eBay... Why do we call it an overstock sale if it's ongoing? We have a lot of stock we must get rid of before heading back to Peru, South America, hopefully at the end of next month. At that point...the OVERstock sale will be OVER | Winner! July Sea Glass Photo Contest Wow, for the five photos submitted this past month there was a lot of voting! Although all the photos had a number of votes, the overall winner was Congratulations from all of us, Diane. Lin and I would also like to add that all of the photos submitted were popular and very well done. Current and future winners - a reminder that you can request to have your photo linked to the web page of your choice - just Contact Us) | Here are the runner-ups: EBook on Sea Glass? As mentioned in our last two newsletters, Lin and I plan to write several eBooks on sea glass. Each one will address a certain area of importance to collectors. We asked what you would like to see in a book about Sea Glass and now a number of you have kindly responded. But we would like to hear even more from the other 1,000 of you who haven't chipped in yet . So... What would you like to see in an eBook about Sea Glass? Contact Lin and David with your suggestions ASAP. The sooner we know what you want, the quicker we can get started on it. Thanks! Ouch! Garbage on Beach - Part III Is sea glass disappearing from beaches? The best sea glass beaches are from old dump sites. Is the sea glass being replenished somehow nowadays? Here we take a look at a two beaches along the Strait of San Juan de Fuca, Washington State, USA. At the end of June 2012, we took photos of trash that had come down from the tall bluffs along this forested coastline not far from Port Townsend, Washington. In that first article was a photo of a dumped toilet at the high water mark. A few days later, it was half to the low tide line. A week later, we saw a few chunks that might have come from the toilet, but the main part was not seen. Yesterday, we took advantage of a very low tide to see if we could find the toilet. Here is what we found (click on photos to zoom in).  No toilet in sight. Sand has moved in and out with each tide. | Here looking back from water toward the dumped appliances. Apparently the toilet is buried in the sand or carried out into deeper water. | The trees are where the trash is. Note the landslide next to the dump spot. |  The land along this side of the Strait is losing from 2 to 10 feet each year as high tides eat away the foot of the bluffs. |  ...Now we go 40 miles west of Port Townsend to a spot just west of Port Angeles, WA. Beautiful, eh? But... what's this? |  A. Black plastic sheets overhanging the edge as protection against erosion. B. The actual Port Angeles landfill has filled up this canyon - and eventually will be in the water. | Everyday, trucks and cars line up to dump their trash. Where? In the landfill seen above. What will happen to the trash in the beautiful Port Angeles Landfill? What does this mean for us and the future of sea glass? Stay tuned to this newsletter for further shocking (and good?) reports on "OUCH! BEACH DUMPS." New Subscribers For those of you who have just recently signed up, this portion is especially for you. If you are a new subscriber, you will enjoy the story and photos at the Glass Beach Special. If the above link doesn't work in your email, copy and past this into your browser: https://www.odysseyseaglass.com/hcaebssalg.html | Happy hunting to all! David and Lin Schneider OdysseySeaGlass.com | |