
Yep, we're in cruise mode right now. We have been really busy here with volunteer work but unfortunately Lin has been having a lot of joint pain, so tomorrow we are off to the specialist.
This is about 3-1/2 hours by bus from our house. But once we get done in the afternoon, we can go to one of the main jewelry crafting areas in Peru, Catacaos, and pick up some tools and silver wire that Lin is needing for her jewelry.
Also, that town is known for its good Peruvian ceviche. Yum! Then we'll spend the night at comfy hotel and kick back until the next day.
Anyway enough about us. Here is what's happening in the seaglass collecting world this past week.
Here is a little reminder to check out the upload features on the fun page, where you can contribute your comments, questions, and photos on what you find at the beach or just about anything to do with beach glass.
We invite any of you to share a short story of your beach impressions (funny, sad, or exciting) and get a link to the website or blog of your choice.
(To skip right down to the newest blogs, click here)
For those of you who have just recently signed up, this newsletter is an update on the new features and changes in the last couple of weeks.
If you have been reading the RSS/Blog, you will already have seen some of these new items... But take a look at the updates below and see if you missed something important. There are also usually some unanswered questions that we'd love to have you answer. Note: If you would like to receive the RSS/Blog feed, click on that "orange button" in the upper left hand corner of the toolbar on each page of Odyssey Sea Glass to subscribe. If you have any questions or need more information, feel free contact us by clicking the above photo.
David (editor)
Here's the latest from Odyssey Sea Glass:
Sep 19, 2010 - Near Thomaston, ME
My wife found this Green Bottle Stopper Near Thomaston, Maine in June
of this year(sorry we are keeping this place to ourselves for now).
Right after
-- click for full blog post "June 2010 / Near Thomaston, ME"
Sep 19, 2010, Exeter, New Hampshire - Sea Glass Report
- Poor
Don't know why Exeter is listed here. I have lived here for over 20
years and have been fairly serious about collecting as well. We live in
a beautiful
-- click
for full blog post "Exeter, New Hampshire - Sea Glass Report -
Sep 17, 2010, Labor Day weekend @ High Island, Tx. -
Sea Glass Report
High Island again was a treasure trove of stuff from pottery shards,
bonfire glass, 300+ pieces of sea glass to ceramic insulator, teeth
from a mammal
-- click for full blog post "Labor Day weekend @ High Island, Tx. - Sea
Glass Report"
Sep 16, 2010, Does anyone in Japan collect sea glass?
I would love to know where I could find sea glass in Japan as close to
Tokyo as possible. Please help me out
-- click for full blog post "Does anyone in Japan collect sea glass?"
Sep 12, 2010, Sea Glass Enthusiasts in Ventura, CA?
are there any group gatherings in our immediate area? thank you!
sincerly melissa vt
-- click for full blog post "Sea Glass Enthusiasts in Ventura, CA?"
Sep 12, 2010, Hutchinson Island Florida Sea Glass?
Does anyone know if there is sea glass found on Hutchinson Island
-- click for full blog post "Hutchinson Island Florida Sea Glass?"
Sep 12, 2010, Leo Carrillo, Malibu, CA Sea Glass Report
We have found all grade's and colors, not sure the source. from
red-yellow-all blues- all greens- and browns. EXCELLENT
-- click for full blog post "Leo Carrillo, Malibu, CA Sea Glass Report"
Sep 11, 2010, NEW! Sea Glass Pendants for sale
Added today, beautiful and frosty sea glass pendants by Lin. Glass from
Peru, Japan, and the Puget Sound in Washington!
-- click for full blog post "NEW! Sea Glass Pendants for sale"
Sep 11, 2010, beach-bracelet
Beach Bracelet, Sea Glass Bracelet, Seaglass Jewelry - made by Lin
using sterling silver, gold-filled, copper, or brass wire to wrap
unique and original jewelry creations for you.!
-- click for full blog post "beach-bracelet"
Sep 11, 2010, Peru Earthquake reported 5.1
It is now showing on the earthquake.usgs.gov site as a 5.1
It is located right here, which means it was less in
other areas so we don't expect much damage to be reported.
We will update this if there is any important news item
for more info
Sep 11, 2010, Strong earthquake strikes Northern Peru
You heard it first here. About ten minutes ago,
a strong quake shook
this area. Here in Los Organos, I would estimate it at 5.3.
However, if it was centered far away, like the recent
ones in eastern Peru's jungles, then it is much, much stronger.
There is nothing on the news yet and we'll have to wait
and see. No damage reported here in the last five minutes.
Sep 11, 2010, WALES: Anything collected there?
My ancestors are originally from Maethlon Valley,
Aberdovey (Owen). I visited there before I ever though about
beachcombing as a hobby, and now I long
-- click for full blog post "WALES: Anything collected there?"
Sep 11, 2010, Seaglass Pendant
Seaglass Pendant, Sea Glass Pendants, Beach Glass Pendant - Sea glass
jewelry made by Lin using sterling silver, gold-filled, copper, or
brass wire to wrap unique and original jewelry creations for ...
-- click for full blog post "Seaglass Pendant"
Sep 9, 2010, Best beach around NY/NJ?
Hi guys! I've been in love with sea glass since I accidentally found a
green bottle piece on accident on Huntington Beach California two years
ago. I've
-- click for full blog post "Best beach around NY/NJ?"
Sep 8, 2010, Seaglass in Florida Panhandle
Does anyone know of any seaglass in Florida panhandle or Alabama and
Mississippi? We are going to Destin in Mid September. Thanks,
-- click for full blog post "Seaglass in Florida
Sep 7, 2010, North Beach, Maryland - Sea Glass Report
View Larger Map Good (6-15 pieces of jewelry grade sea
glass found per hour). I found about 12 pieces of glass (mostly brown,
but a few white and green)
-- click for full blog post "North Beach, Maryland - Sea Glass Report"
Sep 7, 2010, Sandy Point State Park, Maryland - Sea
Glass Report
Poor (0-1 piece of jewelry grade sea glass found per hour). All of the
glass I found was not or had barely been surf-tumbled. However, I did
find one large
-- click for full blog post "Sandy Point State Park, Maryland - Sea
Glass Report"
Sep 7, 2010,
West Beach- Lossiemouth, Scotland U.K. -
Sea glass report
View Larger Map First experience at searching for sea
glass. We looked on 3 different days and found about 75 pieces. Colors
we found were: frosted
-- click for full blog post "West Beach- Lossiemouth, Scotland U.K. -
Sea glass report"
Sep 6, 2010, Bayview San Francisco Sea Glass Caution
I just wanted to comment on the post about this location~ The Bayview
Dist in San Francisco does not have Ocean Access~ It is on the East
side of the city
-- click for full blog post "Bayview San Francisco Sea Glass Caution"
Sep 5, 2010, Make Sea Glass Jewelry
How you
can make sea glass jewelry. Here is the information relating to
the different styles or most used techniques from wire wrapping and
bezeling to PMC...
-- click for full blog post "Make Sea Glass Jewelry"
Dec 25, 2009, Sargent
Beach, Texas, Cobalt Blue Beach Glass
Photo by artist:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/nakrnsm/ / CC BY
-- click for full blog post "Sargent Beach, Texas, Cobalt Blue Beach
Dec 25, 2009, Maui Dump
Fresh Sea Glass Hookipa Maui
Habitat and old dump glass
remains at Hookipa, Maui.
October 17, 2006. Other photos show good possibilities of future sea
glass near this site on
-- click for full blog post "Maui Dump Fresh Sea Glass Hookipa Maui"
Dec 25, 2009,
Interesting Shape of Pale Blue Beach Glass
-- click for full blog post "Interesting Shape of Pale Blue Beach Glass"
Dec 25, 2009, Sea Glass
Window Scottish Fisherman's Museum
I came across this beautiful
stained glass' sea
glass window while browsing the internet. What a beauty! The author of
the page says, These aren't
-- click for full blog post "Sea Glass Window Scottish Fisherman's
Dec 22, 2009, The Day I
Found My Other Piece of Orange Beach Glass
I have already submitted a story
about how I found
my first orange piece of sea glass. I found my second in a weird way. I
was in Florida, at a
-- click for full blog post "The Day I Found My Other Piece of Orange
Beach Glass"
Dec 18, 2009,
Antigonish Canada Beach Glass
Mahoney's Beach, north of
Antigonish Country:
Canada State/Prov: NS Name of Beach and Comments:
Pretty much any part
of the beach along Antigonish
-- click for full blog post "Antigonish Canada Beach Glass"
Dec 18, 2009,
Successful Web Site Business? Yes!
Do you wonder if you could have a
top internet site
in less than a year? Lin and I found that is isn't that hard and we now
have regular money coming in from Google ads and other sources on
Odyssey Sea Glass. There is an offer for two websites for the price of
one at an amazing price of only $299.00!
Click for more info
Dec 16, 2009, 2010
NASGA Sea Glass Festival Date
North American Sea Glass
Association (NASGA)Sea
Glass Festival Sat & Sun, Oct 9th & 10th, 2010 Cape Cod
and Conference Center Hyannis, MA
-- click for full blog post "2010 NASGA Sea Glass Festival Date"
Dec 15, 2009, St.
Petersburg, Plum Island sea glass?
Name of Beach and Comments: have
lived in
st.petersburg fl for 12 years and am an avid beachcomber and have never
found any sea glass on St.Pete
-- click for full blog post "St. Petersburg, Plum Island sea
Dec 14, 2009, Update on
our move to the beach, Peru
Hi all. We have been so busy that
I haven't gotten a
newsletter out in a couple of weeks,and probably won't get to it for
another few days.
However, Lin and I are
enjoying our stay with friends while looking for a house to rent here
in Los Organos, Peru.
The beach is beautiful,
although we haven't found much as far as beach glass.
For you surfers, the
waves are going off today with
a new north swell, waves about 6 feet here and much bigger at Cabo
Blanco, about 25 minutes from here.
More later, David and
Lin Schneider
Dec 14, 2009, Update on
our move to the beach, Peru
Hi all. We have been so busy that
I haven't gotten a
newsletter out in a couple of weeks,and probably won't get to it for
another few days.
However, Lin and I are
enjoying our stay with friends while looking for a house to rent here
in Los Organos, Peru.
The beach is beautiful,
although we haven't found much as far as beach glass.
For you surfers, the
waves are going off today with
a new north swell, waves about 6 feet here and much bigger at Cabo
Blanco, about 25 minutes from here.
More later, David and
Lin Schneider
Dec 13, 2009,
The Day I
Found My Orange Piece of Beach Glass
I was in Florida when I found my
orange piece. It
was late in the day and hot. I had already found a good amount of good
quality pieces and I was
-- click for full blog post "The Day I Found My Orange Piece of Beach
Dec 8, 2009, Peru Beach
December 1st, 2009: We arrived in
Lima, Peru, and
took an afternoon to check out the beach glass at a few beaches. Right
off the bluffs there are
-- click for full blog post "Peru Beach Glass"
Dec 5, 2009, Sea Glass
I start this tree with a piece of
lucite shaped like
a Christmas tree, then I use clear, flat sea glass to create a flat
glass back.I also overlap
-- click for full blog post "Sea Glass Tree"
Dec 5, 2009, Sea Glass
I used a glass plate and glued
the glass on with
-- click for full blog post "Sea Glass Tree"
Dec 5, 2009,
Fritography with Michael Dupille
How to achieve photo realism by
painting with frit
Use frits and powders
to develop images that are tight and highly
detailed or loose and
-- click for full blog post "Fritography with Michael Dupille"
Dec 5, 2009, Dark
Purple Beach Glass
I have some really dark purple
pieces, so dark you
can only see the color by holding it up to the sun and even then can
only see the color on the very
-- click for full blog post "Dark Purple Beach Glass"
Nov 30, 2009, Looking
for Seaglass Man...
My mother met a man at the
Seaglass Festival in PEI
this summer/fall who was selling
seaglass by the pound. She has since
lost his business card and
-- click for full blog post "Looking for Seaglass Man..."
Nov 26, 2009, Ken shier
Bay Area sea glass
-- click for full blog post "Ken shier"
Nov 21, 2009, Rocky
Neck, Gloucester, Massachusetts - Beach Glass
Only collected for 20 minutes
this morning. Found
many pieces with questionable appeal, and a few that I liked. Apologies
for the paper towel; they're
-- click for full blog post "Rocky Neck, Gloucester, Massachusetts -
Beach Glass"
Nov 21, 2009, WOW WOW
I live along the shores of Lake
Erie in NW Ohio.
These pictures are thrilling! My husband and I are planning to hunt
sea/beach glass this next year
-- click for full blog post "WOW WOW WOW"