What Is The Best Wire To Use For Jewelry and Where Can I Get It?

by Rachel

What is the best wire to use for wrapping sea glass jewelry?

What is the best wire to use for wrapping sea glass jewelry?

Copper, Sterling Silver, and Gold-filled Wire

I just collected sea glass from Builders Bay in Bermuda.

I want to make jewelry and wonder what is the best kind of wire to use and a possible place to get it.

Thank you. Love your jewelry. Never realized sea glass is so beautiful!

~ sea glass crafts question submitted by Rachel

Lin's Answer:

Hey Rachel,

Thanks for the compliment. I have had fun with it over the years.

As to your question, I first started off with craft wire that you can buy at a crafts store to practice with, but really for your money's worth, getting copper wire is way cheaper.

There are ways of saving money if you will be using a lot of wire.

I have heard of some getting their copper at Home Depot in electrical wire and then stripping it, but I'm lazy and don't want to bother with that, so I get almost all of my supplies online.

Online sites are generally very helpful and reasonable and have a huge selection. You don't have to have a wholesale license to buy from them either but because they're so big, their prices are very reasonable.

I have found that copper, sterling silver, and gold-filled wire
all have their own unique qualities.

I use "dead soft" simply because it's gentler on my arthritis. Afterward, I can throw the jewelry into a tumbler and work harden it. You can get "dead soft," "half hard," or "hard" but most people I know who do wire wrapping use the dead soft.

Hope that helps you out. Have fun!

Lin Schneider

Comments for What Is The Best Wire To Use For Jewelry and Where Can I Get It?

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Oct 07, 2019
Where to find glass around Delaware
by: Laura

Where do people find beach Glas around Delaware?

Oct 08, 2015
Wire for sea glass jewelry
by: David

Hi Rachel! I was wondering if you have made any jewelry since asking this question. If you have, let us know how is going.

If you haven't started yet, the first step is always the hardest; not buying the wire, but actually trying to wrap it around the sea glass.

Some of the best things we learn is by trial and error, so go for it!


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