Tucuchi Beach, Okinawa, Japan

by Larry T.
(South Korea)

My find for the day. Not bad for about 45 minutes on the beach!

My find for the day. Not bad for about 45 minutes on the beach!

Name of the Beach:

Tocuchi Beach

City nearest to that beach:


The state, country, or island where the beach is:

Okinawa Prefecture, Okinawa Island, Japan

Describe your find:

I went there on a rainy day, which made It a bit difficult to find anything, but I found a few nice pieces.

I would advise taking a car. I took a bus and it was a bit of a hike from the bus stop to the beach.

I wish I had hailed a taxi to take me there from the bus stop. It would have saved a lot time and hassle. However the walk wasn't too bad.

On the way back, I did take a taxi back to the bus stop. That was much nicer.

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