St. Eliza, Mornington Peninsula

by Jonathan
(Lima, Peru)

A day's worth of glass at Mt. Eliza Beach

A day's worth of glass at Mt. Eliza Beach

Mt. Eliza Beach on the Mornington Peninsula.

City nearest to that beach. Melbourne

The state, country, or island where the beach is Victoria, Australia

We stopped in two different places and picked up about 100 pieces of lovely glass. We have stopped picking up the amber/brown pieces as we have too many of them, but they are plentiful in this area. Instead, we focused on the whites, greens, and blues. There are lots of small pieces (1cm) but plenty of larger pieces as well. Some of the glass is "fresh" with sharp edges, but most of it (and everything we picked up) is nicely tumbled with smooth edges and that classic beach glass patina.

There are two kinds of beaches along this stretch of the Port Philip Bay: rocky shelves and sandy beaches. The rocky shelves are the best for glass which is mixed in the pockets of sand and gravel. Great fun exploring. The sandy beaches have glass as well, though it is somewhat more scarce. We just pulled over at several of the public parking lots and made our way down to the beaches. Very easy access.

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