South Beach Port Washington, WI

by Anissa

It's a very rocky beach. I'm sure it brings in something absolutely lovely every now and then, but it's mostly tiny white, green, and brown pieces. It requires a lot of digging to find much.

Two weeks ago, I found a thick, small, triangular piece of pottery and a fossil from an extinct species of coral. Also tons of quartz there, if you're into that.

Today, I found a white piece of ceramic, seeming to be the lip of a jar. I found something really odd. I found a piece of clear vase filler, it was frosted. Get this, two weeks ago I also found a piece of clear vase filler, it wasn't frosted. I find this extremely odd. Not only to find one, but two.

My dad also found something incredible closer to the mound of dirt. My dad found an animal-skinning tool (a broken one) that was used by Native Americans. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, you don't exactly find spectacular sea glass there, but it's better than nothing. But if you're into other surprises, this beach might be for you. They're not easy to find, just be warned. If you want to find anything, you have to stay there almost all day and just dig in the rocks. It is a bit uncomfortable to walk on the rocks as they're always sliding. I got a cramp in my back after walking on unstable rock for so long.

Comments for South Beach Port Washington, WI

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Nov 17, 2021
South Beach
by: Anonymous

South Beach is a nice beach. I have found glass fillers there which just means someone is obviously seeding the beach so that’s not so cool!!

May 25, 2020
by: Anissa

I went yesterday. I found a cobalt blue marble, a piece of white milk glass, a piece of pale yellow, and a piece of pale pink. The storms last week brought in some goods. The downside is that the storms caused landslides. You have to walk over them to access certain parts of the beach. I got stuck in the clay from the landslides. I sank a good foot into it. I ruined a pair of tennis shoes. There's too much clay on them; they can't be saved. I almost fell off of it at one point. IT was scary. I would advise you don't climb over the landslides. They're dangerous and unstable. If you do and something happens, don't say you weren't warned.

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