Rarity/Value of beautiful sea glass piece. Stopper?

by Brian W.

1. Old Marble and Light Blue Glass Droplet

1. Old Marble and Light Blue Glass Droplet

> > Rarity/Value of Beautiful Sea Glass Piece

On this page:

  1. Old Marble and Light Blue Glass Droplet
  2. Rarity/Value of Beautiful Sea Glass Piece

1. Old Marble and Light Blue Glass Droplet

August 3, 2017

Greetings glass-hunters.

Last week I was surfing at one of my northern L.A. beaches. As I got out of the water, I noticed a shallow "V"-shaped pile of small stones near the water's edge. I'm at this beach a lot, but don't recall seeing the stones assembled that way. It may have been the large tidal swings that had happened the week before.

As I rinsed the sand off my board, I decided to take a quick look into the pile to see if I could find some cool sea-glass. As I did, I said to myself, "I don't know why, but I never find sea-glass here." Just as the thought rolled off of my cerebral cortex, I saw a little piece of round glass, aka a marble.

Chuckling to myself, I picked it up from amidst the thousands of stones just before the next wave surge would have taken it from view, probably forever. Ask me how I know.

I brought my board to my car and sent a phone image to my friend who loves sea-glass. I didn't hear back, but that's because she was out of the area for the day. Anyway, I went back up to my car and started the engine to leave. Then I thought to myself, "Gee, if I found the marble that fast, maybe there's other glass around." So I went down to the rock pile and looked for a few minutes, finding nothing. I then walked about 50' down the beach, and in the sand was a little round glowing form that looked like glass. It was!

The piece is about 15mm at the widest point, and has just the slightest blue cast to the color.

While the surface would indicate that it hasn't been in the ocean as long as the marble, it's still a very nice piece of glass. The shape reminds me of those beading-water shaped glass pieces that people put in clear vases, etc., just to add color to a room. I'm pretty sure that this is what it is.

May all of your hunts end in great finds. Cheers.

(I always wanted to use the chiton shell in the image for something. It's like a mini-Mako chomping a marble.)

2. Rarity/Value of Beautiful Sea Glass Piece

March 9, 2017

My friend and I were walking on the beach the other day in So. Cal. She is into sea glass, and I'm just into anything at the beach.

At one point I looked down and saw a bright yellowish something behind a rock at the water's edge. I was hesitant to touch it, as it looked like it might be some sort of jelly something. I pressed on it, and felt it was hard, not jelly. I picked it up, and it felt like glass.

I was floored by the beautiful yellowish color and near perfect shape. Right away, even without reading up on it, I felt it was special, and that it must be a bottle-stopper of some sort. I presented it to my friend as a gift. She's pretty special too.

Later that night, my friend consulted her books, and felt it could be Vaseline glass. Once she explained what it was, I told her that I had a hand-held black light that we could check it with. The images below share what we saw.

This piece looks yellow, with a touch of green under sunlight florescent light. Under black-light it lights up amazingly.

We're interested in what the enthusiasts/experts have to say about this little gem of glass. Any input on the rarity, the likelihood of it being a bottle stopper, and some idea of desirability, value, real color description, etc. is greatly appreciated.

Many thanks. Happy collecting.

Brian W.

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Mar 20, 2017
Value, etc.
by: Brian W

Thanks Val and Julie. The friend I gave the piece to feels the same as you do about the value, that it is in the rarity and beauty, not dollars. This is why she says she wouldn't sell it for any price. :-) She is, after all, a sea-glass collector, not dealer.

She has now asked me to go out and find her a nice piece of red sea glass, and all will be perfect in the world. That sounds like a tall order, but I'll keep my eyes out. Cheers.

Mar 19, 2017
by: Julie

You found a beautiful rare piece of yellow and I suppose there are many of us that are "green" with envy. Congrats!

Mar 18, 2017
by: Val

I think the value is in the unique one of a kind beauty hard to put a price on that.

Mar 15, 2017
by: Brian W

Hi Mike,

Bear in mind that this piece was found about a week after a pretty major storm moved through the area.

While I have virtually no knowledge of sea glass hunting, just a bit of beginner's luck I guess, I suspect it was a "one off" situation.

If it helps, it was at Nicolas Canyon State Beach. Good luck.

Brian W.

Mar 15, 2017
by: Mike

My wife is a very dedicated sea glass hunter here in California. Yellow is the only color she has yet to find.

Could you please share what beach in Southern California you found it on?

Thanks, Mike

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