Port Orchard, WA (online) - Bikes & Beads

by Abigail
(Online: http://www.etsy.com/shop/BikesandBeads)

Orange Juice Carton Wallet

Orange Juice Carton Wallet

Bikes & Beads (Recycled Bike Jewelry and Carton Wallets):


Hi, my name is Abby. I'm 12 years old. I live in Port Orchard, but I ship to anywhere in the U.S. I am a jewelry artist. I am just getting into sea glass, but my specialty is using recycled bike parts in my jewelry. Custom listings are offered, and I would love to make a custom listing for anyone who asks.

I started with sea glass just a little bit ago (like I explained earlier); and I started because we were on the beach and my dad suggested that we hunt for sea glass. I had no idea what it was, but he told me, and I love collecting it now. I am mostly just wire wrapping so far, but soon I will be drilling holes into my sea glass.

**What in the world is a carton wallet? A carton wallet is a wallet that is made out of a reused (and cleaned!) 1/2 gallon cardboard milk or juice carton. Check out my shop for pictures!!

**How can you make jewelry out of recycled bike parts? First, I go to a local bike shop and ask if they have any garbage bike chains. They usually do. When a bike chain gets worn down enough, it doesn't work well anymore. By then, it is usually garbage. Then, I will ask to see if they have any other garbage that I can use (like in my Heart of Recycling necklace, pictured below). I then go home and take the chain apart (actually, I sometimes ask my dad to. I'm only 12, so it is hard). I will then clean the parts off really well. Next, I make the jewelry!! :)

My shop is open year-round. I will ship on weekends, although it may be a little longer before you receive your item (like maybe 3 days instead of 2).

Please review my shop policies:

*Payment: Please pay me with Paypal if possible. I also receive checks.

I must be paid before I ship your item.
*Shipping: I only ship to the U.S. for now. I ship As Soon As Possible right after I'm paid. No overnight shipping. No special shipping for one person, just the normal stuff.
*Refunds and Exchanges: No refunds. If it got damaged on the way there, send it back and I'll work on it. If you damage of lose it, well, that's your fault.
*Custom orders/Reserved listings: I love doing custom orders! Please contact me with your idea! Please note that a custom order/listing may take up to a week to post. I will reserve any listing for you; however, you must purchase it within a week of reserving. :)
*Additional policies/info: I don't do taxes. A friend told me that if I buy my supplies in a taxed state, I don't need to apply sales tax on Etsy.

I prefer to be contacted through my online Etsy shop, but I also have an email you can use: abbygcook (at) gmail.com. For any additional information, please contact me through my Etsy shop. I have sales going on for almost every holiday, so check often!! If my shop is on vacation, that just means that I can't ship anything right then. Read the note, and it will tell you when I'm back and can ship something. You can still contact me for details or information.

My link is on the very top! I hope you enjoy my jewelry! :D

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Comments for Port Orchard, WA (online) - Bikes & Beads

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May 07, 2012
Bike and sea glass
by: Em

Hi Abby,
I can't wait to check out your Etsy site. Two loves of my life are sea glass and biking. Good luck with your business.

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