Old pipes?

by Lee

Recently while hunting sea glass, we came across these two pieces. Both appear to be old pipe stems. The one on the left seems to be very old.... Help?



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Jul 24, 2016
Pipe stems and beach finds
by: David and Lin @ Odyssey Sea Glass

It's hard to say with actually being able to handle the items.

These are very interesting and look like what we would like to find :)

It would be a little easier if you put something in the photo to see the relative sizes, like a coin.

We forget to do that too. The small one looks like it could be a pipe stem but that would depend on the material. If it is very smooth ceramic, it could be an insulator.

The large one on the left is questionable as part of a pipe. Pipe bowl? A pipe stem would have a small hole likely less that 1/4 inch or 6 mm.

The outer edge of the large piece looks much thinner than a normal pipe bowl.

On the other hand, who knows? There were literally millions of pipes made in the past. They were basically disposable in their cheapest clay forms.

If you have access to a historical museum or some similar place, you can usually find someone who is pretty knowledgeable about artifacts in the area.

Here's one we found that looks like it's a pipe:

Stone pipe found hunting for sea glass
It looks like a rock

Stone pipe found hunting for sea glass
But it's got a hole all the way through and
the hole is square - manmade.

Stone pipe found hunting for sea glass
The top has a hole with burn
marks around it.

Stone pipe found hunting for sea glass
Research on the internet indicates
it's an old pipe - either for opium
or it was a tobacco pipe and
had a bowl attached in the past.

For the full report and more, see our newsletter from Jan 2013

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