Boardwalk Beach

Sandwich Glass Possibilities?

Sandwich Glass Possibilities?

Boardwalk Beach, Sandwich, Massachusetts, December, 2021, Two people in 90 minutes found 8 pieces .

The purple and the light blue had sharp or shiny edges. The tiny turquoise and the red are not very frosted, and seem rather contemporary, but the red glows orange in UV light! The green, white and pale aqua pieces are nicely frosted. The purple piece is bonfire glass with sand contained within a fold, and has broken end, BUT might be sun colored amethyst OR historic glass from the Boston and Sandwich Glass Co, which operated in Sandwich 1825-1888. Lastly, the pale lavender pebble shaped piece: sun colored amethyst glass or ocean smoothed quartz/real amethyst?

Also of interest, we found only 5 pieces of common colors (3 white, one green and one brown), and most weren’t jewelers quality, and so were recycled, except the white and green pieces in the photo.

The beach was rocky below the high tide line, from pebbles to two-fists sized; There were no other beachcombers present. High winds and unseasonably mild…54 degrees, intermittent rain that am meant we were not sandblasted…
An interesting hunt!

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