Atlantic City, NJ - Sea Glass Beach Report

by David Weber
(New Jersey)

Fair- 2 to 5 pieces of jewelry grade sea glass found per hour.

Not exactly jewelry grade pieces, however, many pieces were found. Mostly browns and clears. Different parts of the beach have different glass. I just walked out of the Trump Taj Mahal, onto the boardwalk, and then onto the beach.

Amazing Piece - Found 1700's-1800's thick black glass bottle bottom, probably from whiskey. Has multiple "seeds" in it, and is dark green when held up to light.

Partially well rounded, however, one side is not as frosty as the other, and it has a medium sized chip, and is shiny on one edge (broken). Mostly entire bottom, and quite well "done" enough to keep.

It was expected that the pieces would not be perfect, since it is the ocean and there are large rocks and piers for the pieces to break on.

Others, an unexpected find on a beach I though would have nothing but shells! That Black piece is officially the oldest glass I own!

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